Friday, August 31, 2012

My first actual run! On Wednesday, I would just run moderately fast until I got tired, then start walking, then run again when I recovered a bit, then run again, etc, etc, etc.... Only not that many ect's. I basically just walked the entire way back from when I turned around.

TODAY was completely different. I found this app for my phone that says my speed and distance traveled every minute, so I decided to run for 2 minutes, then walk for 2, then run for 2, until I got to where I turned around last time, and let me tell you that it made a WORLD of difference. I ran a bit more slowly (which is actually because I paced myself this time), but I went further than I did before. Most importantly, I wasn't nearly as winded as I was before, but I still burned more calories than on Wednesday. I'll continue doing this all of next week, then the following week, I'm going to run for 3 minutes and walk for 1, then the following week, I won't walk. That's the plan, anyway. I'll keep you updated.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hey everybody, I'm going to run a marathon. Has the laughter died down yet? Alright, now let me explain myself.

I didn't get into UofM Flint like I had hoped to. Partly because of my own laziness, partly because of the bureaucracy of getting my CMU and MCC transcripts to them took too long. Since there's nothing I can do about the bureaucracy, and since I now have 4 months of free time I don't feel like wasting like I did with my summer, I'm going to do something about my laziness: I'm going to run a marathon.

I've created this blog to document my progress and for all of my friends to see how much I screw up along the way. I will also be strength training through push ups, pull ups, and ab crunches between the days I run.

First off, my immediate goal is to run to Davison Road (about a half mile) without walking once. This is mostly a "proof of concept" type of deal where I'm getting used to my body and my pace. I will continue to push myself to go further and further before turning back (yesterday, I got about 1km away from home before I turned back), and hopefully, within 2 months I'll have ran a 5k. Wish me luck!